North Main Church of Christ

Bible Classes For All Ages

The congregation at North Main has several classroom Bible classes each Sunday morning and Wednesday night. These classes are structured so that a child entering during the nursery years will have a good understanding of the entire Bible when they finish the High School class. Emphasis is placed on building a solid spiritual foundation in our youth that will endure when they are grown.

Nursery Class

The nursery class comprises children that are under four years of age. They have basic Bible stories and activities suitable for their age. The children's parents are free to sit in with their children.

Ages 4-6 and Grade 1

This grade level covers studies of some of the Old Testament Patriarchs, Prophets and Kings. It also cover the life of Jesus and His church.

Grades 2-4

This grade level covers studies examples of righteous behavior of God's people, how we can obey God and his love for us. It continues the study of the Old Testament and of the apostles, Jesus, and his church.

Grades 5-8

This grade level continues both Old and New Testament teaching. Topics covered include the rise and fall of the nation of Israel, more studies about Jesus, the apostles and being new creatures in christ. It also covers basic Bible themes, Old Testament Survey, and spreading the word of God.

Grades 9-12

The studies in the grade level include The minor prophets, the first century churches, how to study the Bible, The scheme of redemption, More on the life of Christ and what he taught. A New Testament survey and geography, challenges that face teenagers. Christian responsibility, marriage and the home, and evidences that strengthen our faith.

Ladies Class

The ladies class meets in a separate classroom and the class material changes each quarter. Topics of study is determined by the ladies and the teachers. This class is designed so that the ladies can study topics that effect them most. Class workbooks are used and the class is free to participate and ask questions.

General Adult Class

The adult class meets in the auditorium and the class material generally changes each quarter. Topics of study is determined by the students in conjunction with the teachers. This ensures that what is studied is most needed by the congregation. This can include the study of the different books and letters of the Bible, or various topical studies that build edification. Many times class workbooks are used and the class is free to ask questions.

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